[満足度 No.1]フィリピン MWO(旧 POLO)申請の専門家


Job Description

分野名(Industrial Field)建設
Construction industry


Outline of fields and classifications




Engage in the works related to new construction, addition, renovation or relocation, or repair or remodeling of structures, under the direction and supervision of the instructor.

Main works


  1. 型枠施工
  2. 左官
  3. コンクリート圧送
  4. 屋根ふき
  5. 土工
  6. 鉄筋施工
  7. 鉄筋継手
  8. 内装仕上げ
  9. 表装
  10. とび
  11. 建築大工
  12. 建築板金
  13. 吹付ウレタン断熱
  14. その他、建築物の新築、増築、改築若しくは移転、修繕、模様替又は係る作業


  1. Frame working
  2. Plastering
  3. Concrete pumping
  4. Roofing
  5. Earthwork
  6. Reinforcement construction
  7. Reinforcing bar joints
  8. Interior finishing
  9. Wall covering
  10. Scaffolding
  11. Carpentry
  12. Building sheet metal
  13. Spray urethane thermal insulation
  14. Other works such as new construction, addition, renovation or relocation, repair, remodeling of structures, or other works related to new construction, addition, renovation or relocation, repair, remodeling of structures

Expected related works


  1. 原材料・部品の調達・搬送
  2. 機器・装置・工具等の保守管理
  3. 足場の組立て、設備の掘り起こしその他の後工程の準備作業
  4. 足場の解体、設備の埋め戻しその他の前工程の片付け作業
  5. 清掃・保守管理作業
  6. その他、主たる業務に付随して行う作業


  1. Procurement and transportation of raw materials and parts
  2. Maintenance of equipments, machines, tools, etc.
  3. Assembly of scaffolding, digging up work facilities, and other preparations in post-process
  4. Dismantlement of scaffolding, backfilling of facilities, and other tidying up operations in pre-process
  5. Cleaning and maintenance work
  6. Other works engaging in incidentally in the main works



